Testimonials & Reviews


 "Laura has been instrumental in setting up and launching our new e-commerce store.  Thanks to her continued marketing support, we've enjoyed remarkable growth in online sales, more than quadrupling our average monthly sales.  We literally could not have done it without her!"


"Laura knows what she is doing!!! She can help you grow your business."


"Laura is a valuable asset to our community. Her passion, determination, motivation and dedication to seeing all of our small businesses succeed is a true gift to our community and it's growth and progress."


"Laura has been a great asset to have in our downtown community. She not only brought business owners together for numerous events promoting downtown, but she also helped create a sense of community in an area that was struggling to come back as a shopping destination. People who had not previously spent much time downtown are now looking to the area for shopping and events."


"Such a great idea for a group! I mean what’s better than a bunch of beautiful boss babes."


"Already in love with small business moms and haven’t got through some of the page. Laura is amazing, so I am so excited to collaborate and learn from her and all the business moms!!!"


"Love seeing such true and inspirational posts from these amazing women!!"  "Awesome page. The love & positivity is what we all need."


"What strong incredible women doing amazing things!"


"Love this group and the inspiration I find in here." Â